Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Oops... I did it again?

So now it's been not one but more than two weeks... and no, there's no excuse for my absence, I just had a couple of hectic weeks :( From now on I commit to write as often as possible, maybe every day, maybe once a week, but I'll do it 'cause you know? It makes me feel better ;)

Besides I had the MOST boring class of all... Nutrition! Wait, it wasn't the subject though, it was the teacher! How can somebody so deadly boring teach a college class????? Anyway, I think I learned what I had to learn and that's that, and I'm glad it's finally over. Now I entered the world of Garde Manger, which for the ones that are clueless like me in regards of what that means, I'll share with you the meaning: Food keeper, or something in the neighborhood. It comes from the days when food had to be prepared and stored for the winter time, back when we didn't have refrigerators, remember? So it involves processes like butchering, pickling, salting, curing and smoking the food... sounds like fun? Well, it actually is because you learn how to take advantage of these processes and you can use them for leftovers! So far I've learned most of the basics, which is salads and dressings. Learning how to smoke and cure was something a little more complicated, and making a sausage was undeniably fun. By the way, you really don't want to know what goes in one, just keep enjoying them ;)

Well, tonight I won't share a recipe, why? Because I haven't made anything particularly extraordinary that I can be proud to share. However, I'll share with you my enthusiasm for the upcoming days, when I'll start working for my thesis book, and of course you'll be my partners in crime, because how else am I going to know if I'm going on the right direction? But hey, you have to promise me that you'll keep it a secret, this is something I've been dreaming about for the last couple of months, and since is my thesis, I can't strictly share it with everybody, right? So I won't share my work on Facebook, meaning that if you want to be a part of this, you'll have to be my fan here and swear to secrecy :P

Until the next time my friends...