Monday, May 21, 2012

How Anilu got her groove back!

Yes, it's back, that is my groove ;) Someone read this blog and told me "it's pretty good". Funny that the same "someone" asked me, why is it that I'm not cooking anymore... My answer? I lost my inspiration. I don't really know what initially inspired me to cook, maybe it was my mom who according to me and many more is THE best cook in the world, I don't know. I always thought of cooking as a type of therapy, only cheaper (some will agree, right?) and then I like to eat; but mostly I like to see my loved ones when they eat what I cook... that is just priceless!
My friends know I'm passionate about EVERYTHING I do, and I am, I put love into all the things I do, and especially with whatever I can create myself, not because I want the recognition (which I honestly like), but because it is very rewarding when you can see, touch, smell, feel and taste something that only your mind could put together.
So yeah, my inspiration is back and for now I can't tell you who is my muse, but I will... eventually. Right now I'm so excited about it that I HAD to write this, I had to share it cause that is who I am, and you should know that by now. Am I going to cook anytime soon? Not at this exact moment, but yes, very soon... I have so much to look forward to and I want to share it with the few people that want to be part of my crazy little life. So come join me once again, I promise to keep you at least entertained and maybe you'll see something you like, you'll share it with your loved ones and who knows? This may turn into something you look forward to, too ;)
And hey! If you have any ideas, suggestions or special requests please hit me up, you know where to find me... Actually you can even google me, I'm there, although a little overexposed I'd say haha!
My love and my energy will always be bigger than any unfortunate circumstances... With that being said, it's all about the good times ahead!
Peace and enjoy your beautiful day ;)