Friday, July 16, 2010

Arroz Chaufa

This is a classic, easy to make recipe. It is the peruvian version of the well known "fried rice"... of course, yes, I did twist it, mainly because I have no idea how the chinese really prepare it, but mostly because I can ;)

3 cups of white rice (if you can get the japanese kind, better)
4 cups of water (for the rice)
1 lb of beef cut in 2 x 3 pieces
7 or 8 whole eggs
Green onions (as much as you think you want in your plate) chopped in rectangular small pieces (it's called chifonaide)
Soy sauce, hoisin sauce, garlic, salt at taste.

Marinate the meat with salt (not too much), garlic, soy sauce and hoisin sauce, don't overdo it, all of them have A LOT of sodium; just enough to involve every piece of meat. Let them rest for an hour or so.
Then first fry the meat, once is golden brown, add the remaining of the marinate juice, lower the fire and cover it with a lid, let it simmer so the juices from the meat and the sauce come out. Once the meat is cooked and soft to chew, set it apart.
Cook the rice like you'd normally do: garlic, 3 cups of rice, 4 cups of water, one teaspoon for each cup of rice. If you want to do it like I do: Fry the garlic (on oil of course), then add the rice, when it's sort of fried add the water and the salt, wait for it to boil and then cover it with the lid, lower the fire, and let it simmer until it cooks.
Fry the eggs, make sure the yolk cooks too. Cut them in pieces, small, not too small preferably. Set them apart. On the same frying pan, lightly fry the green onions. Set them apart.
Once the rice is cooked first add half of the meat, then half of the green onions and half of the eggs.
Mix to blend. You will have more rice than anything else, that is when you add the other halves of the ingredients and the juice from the meat, you should have enough to "brown" and flavor the rice. However, if when you taste it, it lacks flavor or it seems a little pale, add soy sauce at your own taste (and risk because it may end up taking over the other flavors).

This rice won't necessarily be "grainy" (graneado, there is no translation for that word), but that is how it's supposed to be.

You don't need anything else to add to this plate, it has all the necessary ingredients for a delicious blend of flavors and nutrients.

You can also replace the beef for chicken or pork, or be crazy and cook them all in one!

Enjoy! And as usual, if you have any questions, ask me, I'm available 24/7 :)

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Tiramisu de lucuma

This is going to be a tough one... The recipe is not mine, I found it in a blog and it's supposedly from Astrid & Gaston's restaurant. Well, I did twist it. Why? Just because I tend to to do that... sorry and thanks Pilar. Here's the recipe and I'll update the blog with a picture tomorrow, the tiramisu is right now in the fridge shaping up ;)

3 Lucumas (this is the fresh fruit, equivalent to 350 gr. of pulp)
400 gr mascarpone cheese (or philadelphia cheese at room temperature)
250 gr. champagne biscuits (aprox. 28 biscuits)
200 gr. Whipped cream (sweet)
Confectioner's sugar
Cocoa powder
Swiss merengue (optional)

Make a paste with the lucumas. Mix the mascarpone cheese with the lucuma paste in the mixer, at the lowest speed. Add the whipped cream with a spatula or a wooden spoon and mix carefully until they blend homogeneously (do this outside the mixer). Taste for sweetness, if needed add more sugar and mix, but beware that the biscuits are sweet.
In a rectangular medium pyrex lay the biscuits, previously soaked in the Kahlua (don't wet them too much because they will break, count to 4 while turning, that is my rule of thumb). On top of that layer, spread the lucuma mixture until covering the biscuits completely. Sift some cocoa powder. Repeat the same procedure for the next layer, first the biscuits, then the mixture. Finish it with the cocoa powder sifted on top and if you want to, with the swiss merengue.

Swiss merengue
3 egg whites
180 gr. of sugar
Add the sugar and eggs in a bowl in bain-marie (bano maria) until the sugar completely dissolves. Then transfer to the mixer and mix until it is a white, thick blend. That's it, spread it over your favorite dessert ;)

No oven, see? Easy, right? Now try to get the lucumas if you don't live in Peru... ha ha ha! Sorry, I had to make a little joke. I will help you find either the pulp or the flour, and we'll adjust the recipe, just let me know where you're at and I'll be happy to give you a hand.

Now, good night my peeps!

Peace out!

What's for lunch?

Today, as pretty much every day, I am my kids' personal chef; what does that mean? That I absolutely have to make whatever they want to eat, and thank God they are not into junk food anymore! Today they wanted LOMO SALTADO, which is a very common and well known peruvian dish, and since it turned out pretty good according to them (they may be a little biased), I'll share my own personal recipe... I honestly don't know who will read this, but in case any professional chef does, I am repeating what I stated before... MY OWN PERSONAL RECIPE ;)
Recipe for 4
1 Kg. beef (ideally tenderloin)
1/2 Kg. potatoes
1/2 Kg. ripe tomatoes
1/2 Kg. onions
Parsley, salt, pepper, garlic, soy sauce, vinegar, chilli pepper.

Cut the beef in rectangular pieces of 2 by 3 cms. (don't use a ruler, just calculate it with your thumb)
Marinate the beef for an hour in salt, pepper, garlic and soy sauce, at taste, be careful with the sodium though.
Cut the potatoes for french fries (french cut) let them soak in water for a while, then dry them with toilet paper and immediately fry them until golden.
Cut the onions and tomatoes julienne and save them.
Chop the parsley and cut the chilli pepper in brunoise.
Cook the meat on a wok preferably, if you don't have a wok, use a wide, big frying pan.
Heat the oil and add the meat, stirring from time to time, making sure it is golden brown (don't overcook or it'll be hard to chew)/
Once the meat is golden brown, add the onions, and stir to blend.
Add the tomatoes and chilli pepper, continue stirring carefully until it blends.
Add salt, pepper and vinegar to taste, if it looks a little dry, add a little bit more of soy sauce. Cover and let it simmer for 15 minutes (low fire).
Remove from fire, and add the fries and parsley. It should be juicy and brown. Serve with white rice.
Enjoy :)

I'm back!

Yes! I know some of you will say "yeah, right!", but this time I'm back for real! Here's the thing, I have to work on my thesis, which is no less than a recipe book with at least 30 recipes... you may think that is a piece of cake... uhm... no! It's not easy but I'll make it fun, so you may want to join me for this 'cause in order to not go nuts and surrender to procrastination, I will need support and ideas.
Today I'll prepare a lucuma tiramisu, thanks to Pilar and her blog "en mi cocina hoy", which gave me the recipe, and the inspiration :)
Ok, ready? Good, at least one of us is ready...
I will see you later with a successful story on how to ruin a perfect dessert... ha ha ha! Just kidding! I will succeed and you will enjoy this fabulous dessert with me, at least by pictures :P
Good morning to you and good luck to me!
See you later ;)