Thursday, July 8, 2010

I'm back!

Yes! I know some of you will say "yeah, right!", but this time I'm back for real! Here's the thing, I have to work on my thesis, which is no less than a recipe book with at least 30 recipes... you may think that is a piece of cake... uhm... no! It's not easy but I'll make it fun, so you may want to join me for this 'cause in order to not go nuts and surrender to procrastination, I will need support and ideas.
Today I'll prepare a lucuma tiramisu, thanks to Pilar and her blog "en mi cocina hoy", which gave me the recipe, and the inspiration :)
Ok, ready? Good, at least one of us is ready...
I will see you later with a successful story on how to ruin a perfect dessert... ha ha ha! Just kidding! I will succeed and you will enjoy this fabulous dessert with me, at least by pictures :P
Good morning to you and good luck to me!
See you later ;)

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