Wednesday, March 31, 2010

My name is not Julie nor Julia, but I do share the passion...

So, after watching this wonderful movie Julie & Julia, I got really inspired about food; and after seeing how much these two women struggled, yet enjoyed while enduring the painful path they walked as they cooked, I can only follow their good example right? Well, since they paved for me the path I want to walk, here I go starting a painful task: I'm committing myself to write EVERY DAY, yes, every day, either a moment, a recipe (that actually works), a frustration or a joy, but I will, for real, write.
Starting with today, it will unfortunately be a frustration, because I feel old, although I'm not, I just feel and it's utterly frustrating... gosh! There is so much I want to do and because of my "age" I'm being rejected. Ugh! Anyway, this is about food right? Here is what I did today: Lobster! Yes, Julie, lobster! Only that it wasn't neither the way you did it, nor she was alive BUT, it was indeed a challenge and I survived.
Just so all of you know, I have boned a chicken!
Ok, this is it for now, maybe for today, but it is a big accomplishmente believe me!
Tomorrow I promise a recipe and if there is anybody out there listening to my rambling, ask me for something, anything but cebiche ok?

Friday, March 19, 2010

Some people say they know about wine and I don’t doubt it, but the truth is that wine is like a science, it is continuosly changing and if one doesn’t keep up with the updates we may find ourselves sounding kinda silly when asked about wines. From a chef point of view, mine, I have to say that knowing how to cook is never enough if you don’t know how to harmonize your dish with a good wine. It’d be ideal if every chef becomes also a sommelier, but I don’t see it as a requirement as long as said chef doesn’t own his own restaurant because in that case that would be a definite plus! Anyway, I’m just starting a new blog, which by the way will continue later with the same subject. Gotta go to the gym now. To the ones who dare to follow me, I’ll see you later!