Tuesday, April 6, 2010


Well, today was a rough day, unfortunately... What whatever doesn't kill you makes you stronger right? Then I'm on my way to becoming the incredible Hulk (I'm going to start charging this dude for mentioning him so much)!!!! I'm sorry to disappoint you, but today I just couldn't cook; I mean, I did, at school and a few minutes ago I finished supper, arroz chaufa (fried rice), peruvian style. Only that it wasn't for my little project, only 'cause I had to, not because I was inspired... do you know the feeling? But don't worry, today was the exception, that I can guarantee ;)

Ok, so to my dear beloved high school mates, and the few other that chose (and dared) to follow me here goes my recipe of peruvian alfajores, Anilu style:

4 cups of white flour
350 grs of BUTTER (no margarine please) unsalted preferably
6 tablespoons of confectioner's sugar
2 cups of dulce de leche (manjar blanco)
1 cup of grated coconut
2 shots of rum
1 shot of limoncello (if you can't get it, I'll share a recipe for it later)

By the way, by shots I mean not the tequila ones please, the official shot which is measured by the bottle lid; you can use the other kind for the waiting time ;)

Sift the flour, then the sugar, add the butter (should be at room temperature) on a mixer, and mix at the slowest speed. This dough is really difficult to blend, so be very patient and diligent, don't give up because eventually it'll happen for you. Once you see it's starting to blend, pour the shots, one by one. If you see that the dough is not coming together, wash your hands with very cold water, dry them and try to work the dough with your hands, until it gets an homogeneous texture. Even though it's done, it'll look like it's falling apart. Don't worry, this is totally normal ok?

You'll need parchment paper, to spread the dough. Roll out the dough on a floured surface to 1/4-inch (6 mm.) thick, then cut into 1 to 1 1/2-inch (25 to 35 mm.) circles with a small, round cookie cutter. Place circles onto an ungreased baking sheet (teflon is better), and poke each twice with a fork.

Bake in preheated oven for 15 minutes at 180 degrees celsius (350 fahrenheit. Disks should be removed from the oven while still pale, they should not brown. Cool completely on a wire rack.

To put them together spread the dulce de leche on one of the disks with a spoon, then put the other disk on top, press it a little so the dulce de leche shows, then roll it by the borders only with the grated coconut or if you prefer, use confectioner's sugar.

Limoncello: This is an italian alcoholic drink, since I don't know if you'll be able to get it, you can do this: Make a lemonade, more lemon less water (8 to 10 lemons), no sugar. Add either pisco or vodka (1/3 of a glass) and put it to boil on a small pan, let it reduce, but not thicken. Remove it from the fire and add a teaspoonful of honey, mix it and let it cool.

Good luck my peoples, let me know how it went ok? Also, you can play with your imagination, shapes and colors, they don't have to be round, and you can add other flavors to the dulce de leche, you know?


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