Saturday, April 3, 2010

Give me an A!

Sorry, but I have to cheer myself today... at the end of a long day of cooking, I'm still in the kitchen! Today was fun, cooking with Ivan always is because we encourage and challenge each other as we go. But today was especially fun because we created pretty much everything we cooked. Remember I told you I was going to cook ribs? Well, considering I had never done them before, I was wondering how would I marinate them, and cook'em? Ivan suggested oven. I said fine, but let's make a BBQ sauce. So I made it, with whatever I had at hand, blending flavors I wasn't sure were going to mix accordingly, but in the end it came out just right... a thick, sweet and sour, and of course spicy, BBQ sauce! Then we crushed sweet and salty crackers, and there, we added texture. They came out great! Not as crunchy as we thought, but they were soooo yummy, Gabe ended up licking all the way up to the bone! We served them with a delicious risotto, made by Ivan of course, of shimeji mushrooms, artichoke and palm hearts. It was gooood! And I'll share the recipe soon, I just need to figure out how to make the ribs crunchier ;) Now, the alfajores are a whole 'nother story... I started them around 4:00 P.M. It is 8:30 P.M. and I'm not done! The thing is that peruvian alfajores are tough by nature (juuuust like us women), but I decided to make them with a kick; I added a couple of "special" ingredients, and that my people, made the dough even harder to work with. After a bunch of trial and errors, my public loved them, and that's all I need to know :)
Well, that's all for now, and for the rest of the weekend unfortunately because tomorrow is my day OFF... I deserve it right? I'm exhausted, mentally and physically, happy yes, but tired. And also tomorrow is Easter Sunday, so I'll give YOU a break too. I'll share the recipes next week, I promise, with all the secrets.. although I'm thinking about bottling my BBQ sauce, put a Spider Man band aid on it and sell it at the supermarket; God knows I need the money!
Happy Sunday my friends.

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