Thursday, April 1, 2010


After much deliberation I decided to share this recipe... why? Because well, I recently discovered that cebiche is not necessarily peruvian, but rather a cooking method... disappointed? Please don't be, because the method is indeed peruvian! Well, here goes MY peruvian cebiche recipe:

Fresh fish, lime (the small really small, really green kind), onions, garlic, parsley, cilantro, salt, hot chilli peppers and loooooove!
Got that? Love, because without it, it won't work!

Fish: It has to be white, never pink please! Fresh and thick, sea bass is an excellent choice (lenguado). One filet per person you're serving. After cleaning the fish, cut in 2 cm. (1 inch) pieces and spread them on a rectangular pyrex (ideally). Salt them at taste, not too much, but enough so that the lime doesn't take over the flavor. Add the chopped garlic, 4 or 5 cloves if you're making a generous dish. Let it rest.
Parsley: Washed and chopped. Spread over the fish right after the garlic.
Lime: Squeeze it after you season the fish, because if you wait too long, it will get bitter. Enough lime to cover, yes COVER the fish COMPLETELY (not to the point of swimming, just bathing...)
Cilantro: Washed and chopped. Spread over the fish after the lime.
Let it rest until the fish looks "cooked", don't let it soften to the point of melting in your mouth. I can't give you exact amounts of time because all fish have different points of fiber breaking.
Before serving, spread the onions, cut in julienne and the chilli peppers, cut in brunoise (small squares).
If your public is not too kin on the pepper, then cut it and mix it with salt and a bit of olive oil, for the ones who'd like to add it to their dish.

A perfect companion for peruvian cebiche are: Sweet potatoes (boiled, peeled, and cut in medium pieces), yellow corn (boiled with anise, and cut in halfs), yucca (boiled, peeled, and cut in medium pieces, and of course lettuce.

Once again, I'm not giving you exact measurements because it's hard to determine how many people you want to feed, but here's a rule of thumb:
4 people = 4 filets (1/2 kg/1.1 lbs) of fish.
8 - 10 limes (or 10 - 12 if they're really small)
2 med. onions
2-3 cloves of garlic
The rest of ingredients are pure common sense...

Good luck! I expect comments :)
Peace out!


  1. Thanks Ani for this delicious recipe, I was looking for a simple and yet authentic way to make cebiche and this is just right.

  2. Love the way you give your recipe. Nothing better than a little houmour...One more thing, chilli peppers? I thought it needed the special aji amarillo. I will try your recipe and let you know. Thanks
