Saturday, April 3, 2010

Gabe, this is "art"...

That is how Ivan described my plate yesterday... I felt so... flattered. I mean, I have the idea that when people see food, the chemical reaction begins, where your mouth starts to water, your nose starts developing this extreme sensibility and your brain starts desiring to enjoy that meal, imagining how will it taste... Well, that is art! I don't think I need to be an artist in order to create art; I just need the right motivation to get inspired. And what better motivation than food? Did you know that food is art? That is one of the two things where your 5 senses are involved? (I won't tell you the other thing because this is a PG blog). God knows I suck when it comes to art, my high school teacher always said it; in fact, I can't even saw. But when it comes to food, I guess I'm not that bad... Maybe I should email her a picture of a nice plate and she will change her mind? I don't really care. What I do care about is that since you (the ones who are hopefully reading me) can't taste my food, at least you will be able to savor it with your eyes, and that will make you want to cook it as well.
Ok, so, it's not that I didn't succeed yesterday when I recreated one of Adria's "tapas"; but let's just be real for a minute: This is not something I (nor you) can do every day. We simply don't have the time. So here's what I will do from now on. Once a week, I'll challenge ourselves to do one molecular recipe; the rest of the week I'll create something different, fun, tasty and pretty... You with me? I mean, I'll make the mistakes, but you won't, isn't this a sweet deal?
Today we'll make ribs... sounds simple? Well, it's not! I've never in my life have cooked ribs, and I'm inventing my own BBQ sauce too. For dessert we'll have peruvian alfajores, but not the ones you know... you'll see.
I'm off to the market, wish me luck!
See you later...

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