Thursday, April 8, 2010

Fish and seafood

It has come to an end, and thank God! Because I couldn't see those tasty, yet smelly creatures... I guess my cholesterol is way down now, I mean, after all that omega 3 I've been consuming for the last three weeks... I wonder... Anyway, it's over and I had my final test today!
And this too, is actually my excuse for not writing yesterday, I had to study 'cause it was a lot of information I had to get into my brain, which as some of you may know, it's not easy.
Ok, enough, off to a more interesting subject: Fish and seafood! Ha ha ha! No, it's not a joke. See, the purpose of this blog is not only to share recipes and frustrations, but also to share knowledge. In other words, whatever I learn, you will too, Cliff's Notes version of course, but you'll definitely learn something with me.
For example, did you know that fish is an excellent source of omega 3? That the colder the water, the fatter the fish, the healthier it is (salmon)? That tuna, one of the biggest predators in the ocean, when caught is hanged upside down in order to bleed out and this is how it dies? That lobster and crab are tastier when cooked alive? That an octopus grows a new tentacle when he loses one? And shrimp does the same with the eyes (creepy!)? That squid when cooked very rapidly or very thoroughly doesn't taste like rubber? That frogs are rich in flavor and nutrients, and that are allergy free? And that swordfish is a nasty fish than even dead can cause you a bad injury?
Well, this is just a little bit of all I learned the past three weeks, and I'll share more as I enter the recipes. There are a lot of fun and creepy facts about fish and seafood; some will make you want to eat them, some will make you never want to see them again, but you'll definitely, definitely learn something ;)
I will share a few recipes from now on; some may be hard, others way too easy, but all of them DOABLE. However, today, I will start with one of my favorites, and one that I didn't learn in my class... Chupe! Peruvian and personal style!
It'll go on another note, as you know I like to keep them separate so you don't have to read my rambling along with the recipe ;)

Much love!

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