Friday, April 2, 2010

One down... this one is about PATIENCE!

Well, it is the end of the day and I finally finished the aforementioned recipe. After the initial frustration of not knowing how to deal with molecular ingredients and unsuccessfully trying to remember my chemistry class, I finally came up with a solution... the internet! I researched a looooot, and ended up understanding what I had to do. There was a point when I thought this is really not worth it! But you know? It is worth it. I came to realize that the limits are there because WE put them there, and today I went beyond my limits and boundaries... I challenged a recipe that only in my dreams I could eat (you know, at elBulli you have to make a reservation like 3 years in advance), and not only that, I recreated it MY WAY, considering I didn't have all the ingredients nor the equipments. I hope Mr. Ferrand Adria doesn't get mad and actually understands my limitations, that is geographically and financially speaking. So here goes MY version of this recipe, which by the way is a "tapa"; simplified for your sake and mine and hopefully affordable. If you want to attempt to do this, I suggest you immerse yourself in patience... No, I'm not discouraging you, on the contrary, I'm pep talking you! You can do it, come on!
(The recipe goes on another note, I don't want to bore you to death...)

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