Monday, April 5, 2010

Going green

The title refers to today's wish to cook something green... why? I don't know, I just felt like trying something new. Remember when yesterday I mentioned connecting your senses to the food? Well, today I did a little experiment of blending different kinds of green. I made pasta (from scratch), green of course, a green bechamel and a compound butter (check my Facebook profile for details) with green herbs of course. I know it sounds like a lot of green, and it was, but the thing is that I didn't repeat the "green" anywhere, so in the end it turned out an interesting blend of flavors. Kids loved it, but then again they're biased, I'm the mom who HAS to cook for them, and they HAVE to like my food... although that doesn't necessarily apply all the time, they can be pretty demanding too. Today they DEVOURED the food, five minutes after serving it, it was gone! I guess it was pretty good. I'll post the recipe for you to try it, it's quick and easy, the only thing is that I made the pasta as I said, from scratch, so if you can't do it, at least try to buy the homemade kind, it will make a huge difference.
Well, the "Hulk experience" wasn't so bad, maybe tomorrow I'll try a different color, maybe not; all I know is that now I feel like playing with food, it's so much fun! And you should try it too ;)

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