Sunday, April 4, 2010

To my number one (and maybe the only one) fan

From Evernote:

To my number one (and maybe the only one) fan

This week I've accomplished more things than I could've possibly imagine. I remember when I started this blog and I had every intention of writing every day... obviously laziness took over me, then procrastination invaded my mind and the result, nothing, no ideas, no words, no NOTHING. Now thanks to a great movie, and mostly thanks to my wonderful husband support, I am motivated to do this every day. 
So, since I don't want to disappoint him, here goes today's blog; although I didn't cook today, I need to say something right?
We are creatures of habit, probably most of us do basically the same things everyday, or at least every week day. Some may have a more interesting life than others, but in the end we always have a routine. One of the things we ALL definitely do, is eat. We do it because we're hungry or some times because we just have to. But regardless of the reason, let me share this thought with you... what if we make it a different experience every time we do it? I mean, try to identify every flavor you're eating, the texture, the ingredients involved; try to tie it up to a memory, to a person, to a happier time, even to your favorite color or smell... You'll see it'll be a whole different sensation!
Remember Ratatouille? Remember when the critic (ugly guy) started remembering his mom making the same dish when he was a little kid? Well, that's it! Food involves all your senses, which are managed by your brain, which also stores your memories... see the connection? I hope I'm not making it too complicated, especially if you're hungry when you read this because it won't probably make much sense and you'll end up hating me; but if you get what I'm saying, next time you have dinner try my little experiment and you'll see what I mean.
Tomorrow I'll cook "chorizo" (beef cut), and I have to figure out how to do it, so expect a new invention, right after the initial confusion and frustration of course!

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